Monday, July 31, 2006
A close shave.Thanks to all who came down to support us (charkwa, mello, daniel's family, barry, draggie, fiona, etc etc) and for donating. For those who haven't donated, get off your bloody ass and do it. Don't be a shit. THankew!! *sweet smile* Honour Roll~
Cheryl and colleagues
admin staff of sociology dept NUS
Beng Huat
Stella Quah
Ai Yun
Monday, July 24, 2006
I am going BALD.Go pledge $2 to a worthy cause, Ok? Thanks so much.
Monday, July 17, 2006
90 years old and still alive the bastard! The bugger will live to 3000 balls cos he's fucking evil!Before you get any ideas, my uncle said that about my grandfather, not me. And that's actually how we eurasians honour our parents and grandparents, and it's not as rude as you might think.We call each other balls, bastard, old bugger, bollecks (which is balls in portuguese... yes, we like to say balls. It's a eurasian thing.). We have a good laugh cos i guess that's how we laugh off that darn troublesome issue of death and aging. Today was my grandpa's 90th birthday, and in the morning he actually lost consciousness in the barber's chair. After 10 minutes of panic and running across the road to get the doctor, he woke up by himself. Bastard gave my uncle such a fright that
he almost had a heart-attack himself.
My grandpa is evil cos only the good die young. So he'll live forever. It's typical inversion of logic that my family engages in. Makes life more enjoyable i guess. And amusing. Just like how he gave all his children those nicknames... my father was my grandmother's pet and she used to call him "erld erld" (cos it's short for gerald), so he became known as the Earl of Bedok. He was also called shitty... well, you go figure that one out! Hahaha.. my grandpa had one child from another marriage.. can you tell which one it is??? wahahaha come on this is an easy one.
My grandfather is now officially the oldest member of the Pereira Clan in Singapore. Here's to a great many more years, you dementia-ed old fart! ;) luv ya!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Had to go grab a six pack from the NTUC, but the gym was out of order. To make things worse, the rain was really wet today and i had to carry an umbrella. And you know how
ta ma de it is for me to carry an umbrella. Mum says it's a macho thing. I just think hey i've got my friggin iPOD in one had, my gate pass and 20 bucks cash in the other, and i've got to carry groceries from the freakin supermarket and my fcking shorts has no pockets, should i still carry a godamm umbrella? What next, balance on a ball and juggle bowling pins will a colleague runs up and puts his head in a lion's mouth? whee mummy look a trampoline! BAH.
Couldn't find the damn beer
where it should have been. Which is wherever i randomly selected an aisle and stopped to stare at the shelves there. So i cautiously ask the lady at the counter for a six pack of Tiger beer instead, and she gives me one of those looks, as if to check if i am of age to buy liquor. Later i realise that she was wondering if i was eligible for the senior citizens discount. MAN, Like do i look THAT old to you? I had a shave this morning. Hey, some 8 year olds have bellys as big as mine ok?? uh.. hmmm.
Had an interesting conversation with uncle kels this afternoon. Of course, he repeats his jokes so i heard it again at night when my "adopted" bro and sis came over for dinner... BUT anyway - especially
IAN, this is for YOU!
Kel: Do you know why women always win an argument?
Shane: No why.
Kel: Cos they aren't tied down by the burden of LOGIC.
wahahahhahahaa... no offence to the women. There are plenty of men jokes too and i bet you girls know all of them too! Fair is fair. :P